Having mastered the martial arts, a Langshan rooster turns to mastering the essence of Contract Bridge...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sat with a World Champ...

Had the freaky opportunity to sit with a Senior Bowl winner and his mentee. The SB winner was in disguise, but I know his student and that scored me the seat.

I got my clock cleaned. Big time.

Without quibbling re: the auction that got us there, he's a hand my pick-up pard and I managed to massacre while at the table.

How would you play 3NT?

Friday, December 14, 2007

Blog lag, or "Blag"

Sorry for the lack of content here... The build up to the holiday season has been busy.

Add to that, I've been pretty bummed re: my game lately. I'm making a lot of 'brain dead' mistakes.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Back from a good, long vacation. Got plenty of time to sit and vegetate, which is exactly what I needed.

As far as bridge goes, I think my game is still improving. Don't get me wrong - no one called me to sub in at the Reisinger or anything... But I continue to see good, incremental gains in the things I'm working on. I need to start concentrating on memory so I can get better at spot recognition and counting down the hand.

Jan Martel started a forum on youth bridge over on the BBO Forums. Should be very interesting. For a while I've been considering poking into the JuniorBBO sessions, since I just barely qualify still. Seems like a good way to get some more experience.

Finally, someone else posted a rumor that Zia Mahmood is likely to replace Paul Soloway on the Nickell team. Hamman/Mahmood, Meckstroth/Rodwell, Nickell/Freeman sounds like a pretty good lineup to me...

Now, Soloway/Hamman used to be nicked 'Hamway'. Will the new partnership be 'MahMan' or 'HamMood'?