Having mastered the martial arts, a Langshan rooster turns to mastering the essence of Contract Bridge...

Monday, January 7, 2008

It's a New Year, baby

Well, we're back from the holiday break. And when I say 'we', I really mean 'me' since I think there are very few others here.

Anyway, I plan to return to a regular posting schedule including trying to incorporate a bit more news from around the bridge world. Don't know if it will amount to anything, but....

As far as my personal game goes, there are more books on the way. I'm ordering the following titles off my amazon wishlist:
  • Two Kelsey books, Killing Defense and More Killing Defense
  • Meck's Win the Bermuda Bowl with Me
More on those when they get here. Happy New Year, and good bridge.


warren said...

I'm curious - are you finding your reading is helping?

I'm having a very hard time getting motivated to sit down with a book. I'd much rather just play.

Kung Fu Chicken said...

Hi, Warren.

Just for kicks, I'm going to pull my response to you comment up into its own post. Seemed appropriate. So, watch for that on Thursday.

Thanks for reading along...