Let's try posting a hand... For starters, nothing here on this blog will be a revelation to anyone who knows anything... But they're revelations to me!
Playing a pickup on game on BBO, you sit West. Pard is a self-described advanced player. North is a known, solid, genuine expert parding with a known, solid advanced South. In other words, I'm screwed...
Dealer | E | Vul | E/W | Scoring | - | Lead |
| |
|  | |
| |
West | North | East | South |
| 1♥ | p |
1NT | p | 2♠ | p |
3♣ | p | 3NT | p |
p | p |
East's 2♠ bid is alerted to N/S as natural rather than a reverse. Of course, I didn't know that when I bid my 3♣. On a 17 pt reverse, I figured we were approaching game and with any ♣ honors in E's hand I figured we were golden.
The lead was the ♠2. My plan was to win the lead and establish clubs. I'm not sure that was the right plan, but it was my plan. The problem is that I won the opening lead
in hand with the ♠Q. I started to run clubs, but then realized that I would eventually get pinned in dummy and not be able to run any of the clubs I had originally wanted to establish. Given the line I chose, I should win trick 1 in dummy and then push clubs from that side.
Once I realized that I was pinned, I used the ♥K as an entry to hand and took the finessed the ♥Q in N. Thankfully, hearts broke and the next heart picked up the suit.
Lesson learned: Especially when establishing a long suit, make sure you maintain entries to that hand to actually
use the tricks you worked so hard to establish.
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