I have to admit that the reading has been exceptionally helpful to me. I am seeing consistent improvements in my game each time I play. Note that I said consistent, rather than drastic or massive. So, why has reading been helpful to me?
- I've always been a good 'book study'. I read well, and retain facts/concepts that I read pretty readily. I know this is not true of everyone.
- Book selection has helped a lot. I've been fortunate to get books (thanks to BBO forum threads like this and especially this) that are appropriate for my level and solid on content.
- I read fast, but I read very carefully and re-read tough sections as many times as it takes.

Unfortunately, that's just not an option for me right now. I wish I had more time available to be online playing, but that just ain't it.
What approaches have you found helpful as you learn the game?
Can't say for sure than anything has worked, but here's what I'm trying....
I find playing a lot to be a good way forwards. If only I did that. I'm usually playing with GiB, which isn't ideal.
When playing, I try to focus on counting and reasoning. The (sole!) advantage to playing with GiB is that I don't feel rushed, so I can take my time and reason out everything I can think of.
When playing, I compile a list of questions and problem hands that have come up. These can be brought to a mentor, or even the B/I section of the BBO forums.
Just reading/reviewing the various BBO forums also helps. I'm sure reading Watson would help more, but the forums seem to fit my attention span better.
Lastly, the BIL has some decent teaching sessions.
Is all this helping? Hmmm... somedays yes, somedays no.
Hi again, Warren.
The (sole!) advantage to playing with GiB is that I don't feel rushed, so I can take my time and reason out everything...
Agreed. I use BridgeBaron, which I think is probably close to the GIBs in skill, on my computer for that practice.
Lastly, the BIL has some decent teaching sessions.
Agreed... Great stuff. Speaking of which, did you attend a lesson in the BIL last night?
I was there. I like that jeff_ct uses random deals, rather than something pre-selected.
Jeff is probably one of the best mentors in the BIL :).
I think BIL session are very good, but I've been feeling that there are too much mixture of levels in the kibs and also some different concepts in the bidding system from teacher to teacher (that can be good or bad).
But I feel at my actual level I need consistency, one system that I know pretty well, only after that I can start questioning if it's good or bad a change of a particular thing.
Book's are a great way to learn, book, magazines in fact any text I find on Bridge I read it :). I've found out that CD-Rom's are great way to learn, and Bridge Master a great tool to improve your declarer play.
Movies with interactive contact are great also :)
Pedro --> Chicken you email for the 30pts deck bounced, you can contact me by this email :)
Hi Pedro, thanks for stopping by!
I think BIL session are very good, but I've been feeling that there are too much mixture of levels in the kibs and also some different concepts in the bidding system from teacher to teacher (that can be good or bad).
I love Jeff's sessions, but I think that is one of the weaknesses even there... He is trying to get people to think and consider the options, but the cost is that we don't get full benefit of his judgment. I don't care about what call I think is right in a tough spot, I'd like to know what a much better player thinks is the right call.
But I feel at my actual level I need consistency, one system that I know pretty well...
One of my side projects right now is compiling what I'm calling KFC Standard. It's just a bidding guide to BWS with some add on gadgets so I have something to study. I'm just geeky that way.
:) Anyway, hope to talk to you guys soon.
Oh, Pedro - re: the movie. You can send it to kungfuchkn --at-- gmail --dot-- com. Your blogger profile doesn't list your email.
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