Played an absolutely awful set last night. I had been feeling like my game was coming along, and then came -40IMPs of complete garbage on my part.

Partner was a really solid player - a true, bona fide BBO expert. And I was nervous as a schoolgirl... Basically, I rushed and reacted rather than thought. Even when I did 'think', I wasn't actually being productive. I tanked for a good 2 following the opening lead to a
♦ contract and was no closer to having a plan when I played from dummy than before I tanked.
The problem is that I knew the guy, respected him, and wanted to do well. The sad fact is by getting all wound up, I crapped the bed instead of playing well.
Moral - Look at the cards and the bidding, not the people at the table. Make the right play... It is better to suck marginally than to get nervous and ensure total FAIL.
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